08 Jul, 2022
A few weeks back, Aryan (cofounder, Finfloww) wanted to cover Fueler in their newsletter.
Then, I connected with one of their team member for the story. Harshit sent me five questions related to hiring, Fueler and how we came up with the ideas solving for future of work
Riten: I have worked as a freelancer for more than 4 years back from my college days and the interesting part about this was all of those opportunities were inbound and the reason was my proof of work published across multiple platforms and word of mouth from the previous brands I worked with.
That's when we thought to work on this idea and make it easy for an individual to showcase their work through a medium. The medium has to be simple, fast, and easy to use. The medium that would give distribution and discovery to someone who wants to prove themselves. Our main target audience involves individuals other than tech. Essentially someone who is good at a lot of other skills rather than just a single thing.
This is when we decided to come up with a platform that will enable individuals to be what they are. This is only possible when someone is capable of showcasing their proof of work from any niche they like. In simple words, Fueler is like Github but for Generalists.
At present time, Fueler is used by individuals in marketing, design, product management, growth hacking, development, copywriters, content writers, and so much more to land better opportunities with their proof of work.
Riten: From what I have learned, the existing hiring process gives very less importance to what you are capable to do. Like the project that you have created. It gave importance to degrees and certifications.
With Fueler, we want to introduce a new approach in connecting and working with someone. This not necessarily has to be for the purpose of hiring. It could be any random stranger on the internet connecting with another stranger to collab on a project and how they met each other is through their proof of work.
This is why we don't identify Fueler as a hiring platform. We aspire to build a space on the internet where you get to discover, connect, and collab with other individuals based on their proof of work. The best part is this is already happening at Fueler.
Riten: The motivation behind was simple. To enable more number of individuals have objective and action-oriented learning in order to apply their skills in creating something valuable.
You see the world is changing rapidly and it's getting more efficient day by day. You as a person have to showcase your efficiency by creating things even before anyone is asking for it. We are living in the era of a permissionless mindset, where you as a person can take up projects of your own and build it with your own taste and flavors.
Creating Proof of Work and being able to take it to take to the right place is the biggest leverage you can have in your career. And we are just doing our bit with Fueler to make it easy, approachable, and rewarding.
Riten: Fueler is unlike any other website out there in the market. We just ask you to publish your work, how creatively you can present it and how well you can document it.
We do not want to be yet another social media platform that asks you to spend your time posting updates, adding CGPA or resume. We are currently focusing more on the utility, success rates, and distribution.
Imagine being able to trust a cohort, learning institute or workshop because they can now showcase what their alumni have created after learning. That's what we want to enable through Fueler.
Fueler is that layer of validation where you can prove that you are someone to be trusted, and can be worked with - as you have your Proof of Work to be showcased on your profile.
Everyone is learning but what sets you apart?
Your proactiveness to go the extra mile to create projects with the skills you have acquired.
Fueler: Fueler works differently from the hiring platforms we have in the market. Since we are not yet a platform to provide hiring infrastructure.
The best way to put it is Fueler is an aid to all these hiring platforms. Say while applying for any jobs/internship/freelancing opportunities one can share their Fueler profile to showcase projects they are created. Or, they can use Fueler Bucket to create landing pages for their project work in different niches.
This would help you make a lasting impression and possibly can get you hired.
Fueler provides you a full stack project portfolio that has all of your proof of work which at times you can use for multiple use cases
It was great connecting with Finfloww team to share about Fueler, the Importance of Proof of Work and Hiring.
If you are someone new to Fueler. Fueler is a new-age portfolio tool for knowledge workers. Fueler helps you showcase your work in a beautiful way possible. Create your impressive portfolio for free
Trusted by 52700+ Generalists. Try it now, free to use
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