30 Dec, 2024
Hey everyone, Riten this side 👋
So recently I posted a portfolio feature post on Linkeidn and Kamya just asked, "How do Fueler portfolios help stand out from other platforms Riten?"
This article will be my candid thoughts on how Fueler Portfolios helps you stand out from other platforms.
Think Fueler as:
Spotify and YouTube for Portfolios/Projects
With each new music and video on Spotify and YouTube respectively, the platform becomes valuable for the other users of the platform
Similar to that Fueler becomes a network and a platform of projects created by individuals. Utility: Study other projects, Seek inspiration, connect with individuals you can collab and hire
Founders and Hiring Managers use Fueler to connect with these high agency folks → directly based on their project work
And there is no gatekeeping. This means: anyone can check projects created by other individuals and learn from them. You can get a glimpse here fueler.io/discover
You can use Fueler Portfolio to present your projects professionally + You become a part of platform where others can discover your work and connect with you for potential opportunities
So instead of keeping your work private you can publish them on Fueler and increase your luck surface area
Just in case, you can also make your projects private on Fueler. They are not visible publicly.
Based on the feedback we have received:
The experience of using Fueler Portfolios is smooth compared to other platforms (say the primary use case of Canva, Notion is not creating portfolio)
The Click through rate is superb. It's convenient and super easy to access your projects on Fueler
Bonus: You can now work with companies based on their assignments.
Choose companies you want to work → pick their assignments → Create and submit → Interview and Get Hired
With assignments and tasks, our objective is to help fastrack the process of getting a job at companies we aspire to work with.
For someone starting out in a career, the assignment and tasks are super useful in aligning with what the company is looking for → this reduces the gap in expectations for both the parties (employers and job seekers)
(we realized that working on these assignments given by the companies directly is like micro-level internships to gain real-life project experience)
One can check all these publicly hosted assignments by the companies here fueler.io/project
TLDR: When you create your portfolio on Fueler, you become a part of the network of high-agency folks who believe in their ideas.
I'd like to take a moment to invite you to checkout Fueler, to try Fueler for your career portfolio. We always open to new ideas and feedbacks
Fueler is a career portfolio platform that helps companies find the best talents for their organization based on their proof of work.
You can create your portfolio on Fueler, thousands of freelancers around the use Fueler to create their professional-looking portfolios and become financially independent. Discover inspiration for your portfolio
Sign up for free on Fueler or get in touch to learn more.
Trusted by 51700+ Generalists. Try it now, free to use
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