10 things you need to know about 10K Designers
Team Fueler

17 Jul, 2023

10 things you need to know about 10K Designers

Every designer has a unique story, a journey filled with challenges, discoveries, and aspirations. However, the path to becoming a successful designer is often hindered by outdated education systems, limited networking opportunities, and a lack of mentorship. That's where 10k Designers come in. 

Here is what Abhinav Chhikara has come up with for changing the ever-changing industry for UI/UX, not only UI/UX recently he has started his cohort for Brand Experience design as well! (BX cohort)

You might wanna ask.. What is 10k designers that you are admiring so much about in this blog? Ok great! Lemme show you what it is all about 🙂

10k Designers is a design school that was founded in 2020 by Abhinav Chhikara. The school's mission is to help people learn how to become UI/UX designers. 10k Designers offers cohort-based learning. The school also offers a mentorship program included inside the cohort, which pairs students with experienced designers.

Now, as you are aware of what 10k designers is all about. You might also wanna know more about the cohort as well 🙂

So, here are 10 things you need to know about 10K Designers that you are missing out on.

1. Cohort Learning: 

Being part of a cohort allows you to connect and collaborate with other aspiring designers, encouraging a sense of community and providing opportunities for peer learning and support.The various springs of shared community learning will help a lot in creating new projects and as well as learn from them.

2. Structured Curriculum: 

This design school offers a well-structured curriculum that covers various aspects of UI/UX design, ensuring you receive a comprehensive education. The up-to-date curriculum will help not only the designers but also the companies to hire people who are up-to-date with their design expertise and experience.

3. Experienced Mentors

 The mentorship program can provide valuable guidance from experienced designers who can offer insights, feedback, and industry knowledge. It will help you be up-to-date with the latest tech used by designers.

4. Networking Opportunities

 Through the school's network and cohort-based approach, you may have access to a diverse range of designers and professionals, expanding your network and potential career opportunities. You might get your first colleague there as well. Who knows? You might wanna check out the students inside the cohort here

5. New design trends and Insights

 The school likely stays updated with industry trends, tools, and practices, helping you stay current and relevant in the ever-evolving design industry. This will help you a lot in getting shortlisted in opportunities.

6. Real-World Projects 

Practical experience is crucial in the design field. 10k Designers might offer opportunities to work on real-world projects, allowing you to build a portfolio and gain hands-on experience. 

Even though you get to work in projects that are assigned by companies themselves, that doesn't guarantee your employment in that company but does showcase that you have the ability to work with companies and well as those are acceptable and not rookie work.You might wanna check all their case-studies.

7. Critiques and Feedback

Regular critiques and feedback sessions can help you refine your design skills and receive constructive criticism to improve your work. 

The community has a vast set of people from different backgrounds that can help the designers there to get new/fresh perspectives that he/she might not have thought of.

8. Job Placement Assistance

The school may provide assistance with job placement, connecting you with potential employers or industry contacts. As 10k Designers are pro at what they teach, the companies also have a certain trust to hire people from such a high value community.

9. Guest Speakers and Workshops

10k Designers invite industry professionals and guest speakers to share their experiences and expertise, providing additional learning opportunities. This also helps in connecting with new sets of designers that are working professionally in companies as well as new insight/ real world scenarios become more clear.

10. Community Support 

By joining 10k Designers, you become part of a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for design, providing a supportive environment for your growth and development as a designer. It doesn't matter that you have a bad day but you can always go back to your community which seems like a college with a shared vision on learning and applying more of design fundamentals. You might wanna join their free community here as well!


Joining 10k Designers and embracing the world of design can open up numerous opportunities for UI/UX professionals to grow and succeed.

Through mentors, a supportive community, a well-structured curriculum, real-world projects, valuable tools and resources, networking prospects, and a shared passion for design, aspiring designers can embark on a transformative journey.

PS: They also have a free learning path before you join the cohort! You might wanna check this out 😉

It's important to remember that the journey itself is just as important as reaching your goals. It's about the incredible experiences, meaningful connections, and personal growth that you'll encounter along the way.

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