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Fueler School of Writing

Starting to write will never be easier if you keep thinking it's really hard to start. It will only become easier once you will sit with a pen and paper for 10-15 min.

And, start writing like you are talking to your best friend about the last movie you watched and would recommend him to give it a watch.

You don't have to worry about formatting, grammar errors or whether it's readable or not. You just have to write in a way that your friend will be able to understand what you are trying to convey.

That's how your writing journey will begin
Just start small and keep iterating.
3 simple steps to start writing

  1. Pick a moment or an idea
  2. Start writing your thoughts around that.
  3. Publish on the Internet

Once you start writing, the next thing is hitting the publish button and making your writing available for everyone on the internet to read.

I know you must be thinking, my writing is garbage, who is going to read it. But, you have to keep those thoughts aside for a while.

Publishing writing over the internet helps you in attracting feedbacks, suggestions around the writing you have published. In most cases, People on the internet observe things silently without showing their reaction. And, when something resonates with their thoughts they connect with you, share their suggestions and the best they become your friends.

Publishing your writing on the internet create serendipity and it compounds over the year.

Best Places to Start Publishing your first piece of writing with zero hustle

  1. Medium
  2. Substack
  3. Revue
  4. Hashnode
  5. LinkedIn Articles

When it comes to picking a niche to start writing, there isn't one tested formula. There is no one size fits all rule.

But there is something we often suggest our readers. Start with your curiosity. Curiosity is your ultimate compass

It begins with what interests you, what topics or domains or industry makes you curious, so that you can spend time learning and educating yourself about it.

One can only write about something if they have thoughts and understanding around a particular topic. And, that thought only comes their mind when their consumption belongs to similar topics and subjects.

Your search for a niche will never end, that’s why it is important to start writing about things that amaze you and make your curious.

A task takes the form of habit when your mental muscle exercise the same thing iteratively over a considerable period of time.

The same thing applies to building a daily writing habit also. Once, you commit yourself to write every single day, then you see the magic in form of habit.

To make this super easy, try this tool that gives you a distraction-free virtual writing environment.

Bonus: Start with a challenge. Say 15 days challenge or 21 Days and 30 Days. It’s totally about you. We have friend, who has written for over 1500+ days daily. You can know about his story here

A poem, novel, atomic essay, tweet, social post with the caption, article, blog, anything.

While starting, you don’t have to worry about what will happen to whatever you are going to write. You just have to worry about not breaking the commitment you have made yourself of writing every single day.

There will be days when you will feel low and won't be able to write, you have to fight with those days by keeping yourself away from social media platforms and spending more time reading something.

Once you will start your writing journey, you will observe that reading gives you the biggest boost to write. So, whenever you get the time, try to spend it reading a blog, book, essay or any article. The quality of content you consume will add a great value to you thought process and eventually to your writing.

You must be having healthy foods to make your belly happy, right? 😅

But, have you thought about what you do to make your brain happy? Thinking, questioning, and writing are a few ways through which you reward your brain.

You will be amazed to know the return your brain gives you to reward it.

Do you know, what is that?

It's quality thinking.

It's creating a positive environment around yourself.

It's the calm and happy mind.

It's the power of creation.

It's the level of knowledge and wisdom you get.

And, many more.

Writing is a skill that cannot be taught through a course or a series of classes. One of the most effective ways, We have discovered to master writing is by learning from individuals who have been writing for decades, and from individuals whose writing works are inspirations for millions of people.

They are the people who actually taught you about the real insights that you never find in a course

Insights about crafting killer headlines.

Insights about coming up with an engaging introduction.

Insights about coming up with writing that sells

Legendary writer, you must follow 👇

  1. David Perell
  2. Julian Shapiro
  3. Nicolas Cole
  4. Dickie Bush
  5. David Ogilvy
  6. Joseph Sugarman
  7. Ernest Hemingway

Wouldn't it be the best feeling, seeing your written words making dollars for you? 😋

If you are thinking, how would that actually be possible? Then you are just a few steps far from seeing that possible.

Writing online gives you infinite leverage and once you truly understand it's ins and outs, you will be unstoppable.

Too much patience? 🥺

Let's discover what are ways through which you can make dollars as a writer 👇

  1. Start a blog and capitalize it
  2. Proofreading for blogs
  3. Convert podcast into a blog
  4. Write a guest blog
  5. Start a paid newsletter
  6. Write an ebook and sell it
  7. Write script for web series and shows
  8. Help companies with email marketing

The Niche Hobbyist: The Internet rewards people with obscure interests. Writing online will help you find other like-minded hobbyists who you wouldn’t be able to meet in real life.

The Think-for-Yourself Academic: Academia is hyper-specialized and often hostile to new ideas. On the Internet, you don’t need permission from peer reviewers before you publish your work. Build an audience to reduce career risk — so you can study unpopular ideas.

The Up-and-Coming Entrepreneur: We’re moving to a world of Audience-First Products. Before the Internet, companies built products before audiences. Now, they build audiences before products. It’s easier to start a business when you have an audience.

The Underestimated Employee: The number one predictor of entrepreneurship is asymmetric information about skill levels. If the market undervalues your skills, and you aren’t able to demonstrate your competence at work, you can prove yourself by writing online.

The Deep Thinker: Writing online will sharpen your thinking. An empty white page is a mirror into your mind. When the ideas in your mind are clouded, so are the words on the page in front of you. Re-writing is re-thinking. Writing is the best way to improve your ideas.

The Rural Obsessive: You are intellectually curious, but you‘re trapped in a place where you can’t meet like-minded people. Write online, so people come to you. When they do, you can video chat with them and find ways to meet them in person. No more intellectual loneliness.

The Job Hunter: A well-written personal blog says more about you than any resume ever will. Writing demonstrates curiosity, commitment and diligence — which attracts the eye of the world’s best companies. Instead of reaching out to recruiters, they’ll be reaching out to you.

The Investor: Investors need a competitive edge. Talent is globally distributed, but when you write online, people from around the world reach out to you. Writing online gives you the first look at up-and-coming entrepreneurs. These relationships will make you smarter.

The Gifted Artist: Fans like artists who can explain the thinking behind their work. Write online to document your creative process and give fans a window into the madness of your mind. As you write, your art will become three-dimensional, and you’ll attract die-hard fans.

The 10x Engineer: Engineers are paid very well. But the best ones are still underpaid. By writing online, you can demonstrate your competence and tell the world about your unique skills. You’ll attract the gaze of recruiters and other engineers, who will see your worth.

Writing online is the fastest way to accelerate your career. It’ll help you learn faster, build your resume and meet people who can create personal and professional opportunities for you.

This piece of writing has been taken from Write of Passage School by David Perell

Let us get the fact straight: Nothing worthwhile is easy. You have to go through the process of hardrip and challenges to create something meaningful. Now writing can have two form here: You can do it as an hobby or to make your living.

Both are possible, It’s you who has to decide your path. But let’s use explain what’s hard about writing?

- Buiding consistency
- Writers block
- Imposter Symdrome
- Fear of being judged
- Overthinking
- Lack of motivation

There can be countless other reasons to not write. So it is said that a person, will always find a reason to start to not start. All the external factors are temporary and cannot change your fundamentals. You just to be start with zero mindset and zero expectation and do it for long time. You see this is not just for writing, this is for every other skills we learn in life

Yes, 100%. You can make money with writing. To understand this, look around yourself, that newspapers column is full of writings, that product label has writing, that product packaging has writing over it. The best example is internet. On website, on social media, the caption, the creatives that you can read and intepret, it’s all writing and has been written by someone like you and me out there.

We believe, every single work start with the form of writing then it takes the form of audio and video and are spread across channels.

Here are some forms of writings that helps you make money: Sales copy, Email copy, Blog & Articles, Press Release, Ad copy, Landing Page copy, Social Media Contents, Newsletters, Pitch Decks and much more

All of these form of writings are getting paid sometime we cannot even imagine. Writers has the biggest leverage in the world. That is why it’s not easy to become a good writer unless you are passionate about it.

Here is the list of website you can checkout to make out money as a write

- ProBlogger Job Board - Upwork - Jobs by Workable - Pepper Content - - LinkedIn - FlexJobs - Freelance Writing Jobs - - 100 Places to Find Writing Work

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